FAQ – EV Charging
Please note, SogoSolar do not solely install charging points, but only as part of a complete renewable solution with solar panels and/or a storage battery. If your requirement is just for a charging point, please contact a specialist installer.
All your FAQ questions answered on EV Charging, see our other sections for other FAQs – Solar Panels, Solar Storage, General Queries.
Q: Can I charge my electric car from Solar Panels?
Yes! There are a number of options, we recommend the zappi from Myenergi as the most flexible option on the market. This can switch from charging from your panels or from the grid as required by diverting excess generation into your car. In this way, what would have been exported back to the grid is now providing you with free zero-carbon fuel. However, you would need to have your car parked up at home during the day. The alternative is to use a battery system to store this energy, and then discharge this into your EV in the evening/night-time. The battery would also cover your household loads once the sun has gone down.
Q: How long does it take to charge a car?
A: It depends on the battery size in your car and the power of your charge point. A plug-in hybrid charges at a rate of 3.7kW, fully charging within 3 hours. Fully electric cars can charge at 7.4kW on a single phase supply but have a much bigger battery, and therefore take many hours/overnight to fully charge.
Q: How much does an EV charge point cost? Are there any grants available?
A: The cost of a 7.4kW charge point is around £1,000 supplied and installed, an OLEV grant covering half of this cost is available so you can expect to pay c.£500. We can claim the grant on your behalf as OLEV accredited installers. There are also grants available for businesses wanting to install charge points at workplaces.
Q: Are there any electrical issues to consider when fitting?
A: We will carefully check your existing electrics to ensure that you don’t blow your main fuse. In some instances we may suggest you install a 3.7kW charger rather than 7.4kW. Usually this is not an issue.
Q: How long does it take to install?
A: It will typically take half a day. If your fuse box is far from the charge point location or cables need to be run through internal rooms, the installation may take a little longer.
Q: Is your work covered by any warranty?
A: Our workmanship is guaranteed for a period of 2 years during which time we will respond to any problems at no cost to yourself. As members of the Real Assurance consumer protection scheme (RECC) customers are also protected by an insurance backed warranty scheme.
Q: Why should I choose SogoSolar?
A: This is a rapidly growing area, with new electric cars and supporting products coming to market. We have access to all the leading brands and will listen to your requirements and advise and design a system that suits your lifestyle and budget. We can ensure an honest, transparent approach.